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Inclinando la botella de Piaget con GeoGebra Discovery

Libro GeoGebra base del siguiente artículo, publicado en el nº 115 del Boletín de la Sociedad Puig Adam, pp. 43-86. Universidad Complutense de Madrid: Tilting Piaget’s bottle with GeoGebra Discovery Inclinando la botella de Piaget con GeoGebra Discovery Rafael Losada Liste Instituto GeoGebra de Cantabria Tomás Recio Grupo de Investigación Matemáticas y sus Aplicaciones, Universidad Antonio de Nebrija Abstract By “tilting Piaget’s bottle” we refer to the water-level test of Jean Piaget, where an individual is asked to mark the water level on a bottle that has been tilted, just knowing the water level in the bottle at the initial, not-tilted, position. We describe here our attempts to solve such test with the help of both GeoGebra and the fork version GeoGebra Discovery, with enhanced automated reasoning tools.
Inclinando la botella de Piaget con GeoGebra Discovery