Undersanding Domain and Range
What is domain?
Where does the domain start for this function?
Where does the domain STOP for this function?
Does it beep at the start and stop points?
Which of the following represents the domain of the function above?
Which of the following represents the domain of the function above?
Note: You can slide whole graph to the right if you need to!
Why is this function different than the last few examples?
Which of the following represents the domain of the function above?
Which of the following represents the domain of the function above?
What is range?
Where does the range start for this function?
Where does the range STOP for this function?
Does it beep at the start and stop points?
Which of the following represents the range of the function above?
Which of the following represents the range of the function above?
Which of the following represents the range of the function above?
Which of the following represents the range of the function above?
Which of the following represents the range of the function above?
Which of the following represents the range of the function above?