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Space Vectors And Clarke-Park Transformations


Extended version of: This version includes visualisations of Clarke and Park transformations. The Clarke transformation (is a special case of the Park transformation) can be obtained by setting n_epsilon=0 and theta_epsilon=90° (so that epsilon = 90° all the time). See also figure below animation.

Important Figure:

Important Figure:
, and the angle .


Animation: Timon De Wispelaere. Inspiration: - C. J. O’Rourke, M. M. Qasim, M. R. Overlin, and J. L. Kirtley, “A Geometric Interpretation of Reference Frames and Transformations: Dq0, Clarke, and Park,” IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 2070–2083, Dec. 2019, doi: 10.1109/TEC.2019.2941175. - R. Teodorescu, M. Liserre, and P. Rodriguez, Grid Converters for Photovoltaic and Wind Power Systems. 2011. - S. Buso and P. Mattavelli, Digital control in power converters, 1st ed. Morgan & Claypool, 2006.