Sprinkler System Line of Best Fit

Pretpregled učenika
Izbornik Postavke


Approximate a linear model that best fits a set of data; use the linear model to make predictions.

Sprinkler System Line of Best Fit

Approximate a linear model that best fits a set of data to water the flowers in a garden.

Putting It All Together

Answer these open ended questions on your own or with others to form deeper math connections.

Otvoreno pitanje 1

What strategy did you use to position the sprinkler line to water the most flowers in the garden?

Tekstualni i matematički unos

Otvoreno pitanje 2

How does the line of best fit relate to the position of a set of points?

Tekstualni i matematički unos

Otvoreno pitanje 3

How does the equation relate to the line of best fit?

Tekstualni i matematički unos