Kristóf Fenyvesi
Kristóf Fenyvesi, PhD

Kristóf Fenyvesi, PhD (b. 1979) – is a researcher of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) Trans- and Multidisciplinary Learning and Contemporary Cultural Studies in Finland, at the Finnish Institute for Educational Research, University of Jyväskylä ( He is the Vice-President of the world’s largest mathematics, arts and education community, the Bridges Organization ( His main responsibilities include the coordination of the annual Bridges conference’s Workshop Paper track and the Bridges Public Day ( From 2016, he is a member of the European Mathematical Society’s Committee for Raising Public Awareness. Between 2013-2017 he served as Chief Executive Officer of International Symmetry Association ( and in 2008 he started Experience Workshop—Global STEAM Network ( He has been invited by European Commission as a STEAM expert for various H2020 and Erasmus+ projects’ evaluation. His main areas of research are mathematics and art connections in learning; STEAM education; inquiry-based, cooperative, playful and experience-oriented approaches in mathematics education; problem-solving in mathematics, in science and in art education; connecting hands-on activities and digital modelling in mathematics, science, art and design education; science & art connections in learning; phenomenon-based, multi- and transdisciplinary learning and co-teaching; inter-, cross-, multi- and transdisciplinary management and trans-curricular leadership in education; interdisciplinary aesthetics and philosophy. Fenyvesi’s articles have appeared on fora such as The Notices of the American Mathematical Society, MAA Focus – Newsmagazine of the Mathematical Association of America, Nexus Network Journal, The Mathematical Intelligencer and Comparative Philosophy. He is author of chapters in various prestigious books, and he has edited a number of math-art-education handbooks, including Aesthetics of Interdisciplinarity: Art and Mathematics (Springer-Birkhauser, 2017. Together with Tuuli Lähdesmäki) and other resources of mathematics & arts learning. Many of his books and articles are open access. He serves in the editorial board of several scientific journals, including Taylor & Francis’ Journal of Mathematics and the Arts. Fenyvesi has been very active in organizing various international scientific events, education programs, exhibitions, and STEAM workshops and festivals all around the globe, including his Experience Workshop Global STEAM Network’s special contributions to Japan’s prominent scientific outreach festival, Science Agora in Tokyo-Japan, or Open Design Africa in Cape Town-South Africa, Ars Electronica Festival, Linz-Austria. Fenyvesi serves as University of Jyväskylä’s local coordinator of Erasmus+, H2020 and other projects. In 2015-2016 he also served as the scientific secretary of Bridges Finland 2016 Conference ( and worked in the steering committee of Symmetry Festival 2016 at Vienna University of Technology ( Contacts: E-mail - / Phone +358 40 805 3324 Post Address: Dr. Kristof Fenyvesi / University of Jyväskylä, Finnish Institute for Educational Research (KTL), Ag B435.2 FI-40014, PO Box 35, Finland Web:
Keynote with Kristof Fenyvesi (Friday, 09:00 – 09:30)
Creativity and Innovation in the European Key Competence Framework In this presentation, I would like to focus on some recent tendencies in supporting creativity and innovation in education. I would like to give a perspective on the European Key Competence Framework in comparison to non-European contexts as well. I will summarize the main results of the Everyday Creativity Erasmus+ project (, including a handbook for teachers, which is based on creative resources with Finnish models of education. The Everyday Creativity handbook ( was published in 2019 December, in English, Dutch, Hungarian, Italian and Romanian, provides paths for teachers on all levels of education for making their schools and teaching practices more creative and learning-centered. The readers can try a digital self-assessment tool and implement the material of the University of Jyväskylä's blended teacher training course. Both are intended to develop the facilitation of various creativities in different learning environments and created with the participation of teachers from Finland, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, and Romania. Watch the video: