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GeoGebraGeoGebra Klaslokaal

Archimedian Approximation of Pi


The circle has area The slider n changes the number of sides of the polygons. One polygon fits inside the circle (underestimates the area) One polygon fits outside the circle (overestimates the area) SLIDE THE SLIDER TO SEE HOW THE AREAS OF THE POLYGONS CHANGE. You can start or pause animation by clicking the play or pause button in the bottom left corner.


When n is 10 (i.e. using a decagon inside and outside) what bounds can you put on the value of pi?


When n is 40 what bounds can you put on the value of pi?

Maximum Percentage Error in approximation?

What is the maximum percentage error in the estimate of when n=10? (Assume = 3.14159 for the purposes of this question)

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