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10.1 Translations - Translation vectors

Question 1

Does translation vector (2, -3) refer to a coordinate?

Select all that apply
  • A
  • B
Check my answer (3)

Question 2

Abinaa is going to Angela's house. The map below shows the location of Abinna's house as A B C D. To get to Angela's house - A'B'C'D' - Abinaa's translation vector is (3, -2). What are the coordinates for Angela's house? a) what are the coordinates for Abinaa's house? b) what are the coordinates for Angela's house? - Only move square A'B'C'D' to the spot where Angela's house is supposed to be.

Question 3

Solve the puzzle!! Shift the following shapes based on the translation vectors below. 1. The translation vector for trapezoid ABCD is (+2, 0). 2. The translation vector for trapezoid EFGH is (-1, -1) 3. The translation vector for diamond IJKL is (-6, -1) a) What is the final shape? b) What are the final coordinates for the each shape? (remember to label each set of coordinates with a prime!)