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Radiation pressure

This simplified model can explain qualitatively the pressure of a E-M wave on a conductive plate. The electric field E induces on the electrons the drift velocity vd (opposite to E) The magnetic field B and vd will produce the Lorentz force FL=− e vdB and since B and vd oscillate synchronously, FL will always be directed in the positive direction of the z-axis. For example, the pressure of the the sun's radiation on an absorbing conductive plate positioned nearby the earth (facing the sun) would be about 4.5 μPa . Not much but it's there... References: Halliday-Resnick-Krane, Physics, 5th ed. vol.2 p. 872 T. Rothman, S. Boughn: The Lorentz Force and the Radiation Pressure of Light C. Mungan: Repairing an elementary explanation of radiation pressure T. Rothman, S. Boughn: Reply to "Repairing an Elementary Explanation of Radiation Pressure"