Science and Mathematics Simulations UQ juan
These Science and Mathematics Simulations (SciMS) and associated teaching packages were developed to assist student learning at undergraduate level at the University of Queensland.
This book contains all the simulations designed with GeoGebra from https://teaching.smp.uq.edu.au/scims/
The worksheets are divided into chapters according to the menu at the site.

Table of Contents
Advanced Calculus
- Partial derivatives and Tangent plane
- Directional derivatives and Gradient
- Line integral for planar curves
- Vector Fields in 2D
- Vector fields 3D
- Line integrals of vector fields: Work & Circulation
- Line integrals of vector fields: Flux
- Basic examples of velocity fields
- Parabolic transformation
- Polar transformation
Applied Mathematical Analysis
Numerical Analysis
Linear Algebra
Complex Analysis