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GeoGebraAula GeoGebra

Centered Pentagonal Numbers II

New version with a slighty improve script. This time I typed the correct name :)


#------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Basic # I checked this site for the equation of the pentagon # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mod(x, y) = y (x / y - floor(x / y)) f(θ) = cos(π / 5) / cos(Mod(θ, 2π / 5) - π / 5) cx(r, θ) = -r * sin(θ) f(θ) cy(r, θ) = r * cos(θ) f(θ) N = 20 LN = Sequence(0, N) pV = Zip((5k² + 5k + 2) / 2, k, LN) pVp = Zip((5(k + 1)² - 5 (k + 1) + 2) / 2 - (5(k)² - 5 (k) + 2) / 2, k, LN) L_1 = Zip(Curve(cx(k, θ), cy(k, θ), θ, 0, 2 pi), k, LN) L_2 = Zip(Sequence(C(k), k, 0, 2π, 2π / Element(pVp, val) ), C, L_1, val, LN+1) #------------------------- # Add colors #------------------------- speed = 1 n = Slider(1, 21, 1, speed, 210, false, true, false, false) size = 1.2 #------------------------------------- # Once 'n' and 'size' are defined, # enter these values in the # dimensions of the graphics option. #---------------------------------------------- Execute(Join({"A1=1"}, Sequence("A"+(k+1)+"=A"+k+"+1", k, 1, 20))) Execute(Sequence("B"+k+" = Element(L_1, "+k+")", k, 1, 21)) Execute(Sequence("C"+k+" = Element(L_2, "+k+")", k, 1, 21)) Execute(Sequence("D"+k+" = A"+k+" / 21", k, 1, 21)) Execute(Sequence("SetConditionToShowObject(B"+k+", "+k+"<=n)", k, 1, 21)) Execute(Sequence("SetConditionToShowObject(C"+k+", "+k+"<=n)", k, 1, 21)) Execute(Sequence("SetDynamicColor(C"+k+", D"+k+", 1, 1)", k, 1, 21)) g(x) = floor(11/20 * (21 - x) - 4/20 * (1 - x)) Execute(Sequence("SetPointSize(C"+k+", g(n))", k, 1, 21))