Rigid Transformations

Rigid Transformations

Learn and practice transforming polygons in the coordinate plane with interactive resources from GeoGebra.

Middle School


Properties of Geometric Figures

Verify how properties and relationships of geometric figures are maintained or how they change through transformations.

Reflections in the Coordinate Plane

Locate, given the coordinates of, and graph plane figures which are the results of translations or reflections in all quadrants of the coordinate plane.

Rigid Transformations and Dilations of Plane Figures

Use properties, definitions, and theorems to solve problems about rigid transformations and dilations of plane figures.

Rotations in the Coordinate Plane

Locate, given the coordinates of, and graph plane figures which are the results of rotations (multiples of 90 degrees) with respect to a given point.

Transformations in the Coordinate Plane

Transform (translate, reflect, rotate, dilate) polygons in the coordinate plane; describe the transformation in simple algebraic terms.

Transforming Plane Figures

Use models or points in the coordinate plane to illustrate, recognize, or describe rigid transformations (translations, reflections, and rotations) of plane figures.

Transforming Points in the Coordinate Plane

Locate, given the coordinates of, and graph points which are the results of rigid transformations in all quadrants of the coordinate plane; describe the path of the motion using geometric models or appropriate terms.

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