Units and Measurement

Units and Measurement

Learn and practice converting measures and using appropriate tools with interactive resources from GeoGebra.

Upper Elementary


Cost of Items and Making Change

Estimate and compute the cost of items greater than $1.00; make change.

Elapsed Time

Solve problems involving elapsed time.

Estimating and Measuring Capacity

Estimate, measure, and compare capacity using appropriate tools and units in number and word problems.

Estimating and Measuring Lengths

Estimate, measure, and compare length using appropriate tools and units in number and word problems.

Estimating and Measuring Weights

Estimate, measure, and compare weight using appropriate tools and units in number and word problems.

Money Math

Determine the value of sets of coins and bills using cent sign and dollar sign appropriately. Create equivalent amounts with different coins and bills.

Unit Conversion for Length, Area, Capacity, Weight, and Time

Convert measures of length, area, capacity, weight, and time expressed in a given unit to other units in the same measurement system in number and word problems.

Middle School


Estimating Measurements

Estimate the measure of an object in one system given the measure of that object in another system.

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