Transforming Points

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GR. 6-8


Describe, or graph plane figures which are the results of a sequence of transformations.

Transforming Points

Relate coordinates of a point on the coordinate plane and its image produced by a translation, reflection, or rotation.

Putting It All Together

Answer these open ended questions on your own or with others to form deeper math connections.

Open-ended question 1

Is this statement true always, sometimes, or never?:  A translation makes the coordinates of a point increase.  Give examples to explain your thinking.

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Open-ended question 2

Always, sometimes, or never: If point is a reflection of point , their -coordinates are opposites.  Give examples to explain your thinking.

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Open-ended question 3

Always sometimes, or never: is transformed to by a rotation.  If the coordinates of are , then the coordinates of are .

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